2018 BWLA Regional Spring Retreat
– Relax. Improve. Make Friends –
BWI/BWYA would like to invite you to join our 2018 Regional Spring Retreat at the LAKE this year.
There will be games, snow (depends on weather condition), bonfire and special guests share their career experience/planning.
Join us to make new friends, have fun and make a positive difference in the world!
– Life Wisdom Courses– Life Stories of Entrepreneurs
– Outdoor activities: games, ski, and bonfire.
Qualifications: 18 ~ 35 years old Currently Active College students or returning campers and Alumni.
Date: 3/30/2018 1:30pm (Fri) ~ 4/1/2018 3:00pm (Sun)
Retreat Location: Big Bear Lake
Retreat Fees: $165; Student – $130 (includes 5 meals, 2 night lodging, activities, and workshops)
* We will meet for carpool to Big Bear Lake from 3209 Producer Way, Pomona, CA 91768 on 3/30 at 1:30pm and leave Big Bear Lake on 4/1 at 3:00pm.
* Registration Deadline: 2018/3/10。
Payment: Paypal or Credit Card

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